Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Crafts v. Sweat shops

When people find out I make clothes and sell them, I get one of two responses:

"Ooh good on you, what do you make?" and then lots of enthusing about craft fairs and small businesses selling quirky and wonderful things...


"You could get those made overseas at a fraction of the cost and then sell them here - you'd be rich in no time" and a lecture about how me working for below minimum wage is madness...

So here's the deal:  I sew because it's therapeutic.  I sew because it is a wonderful feeling when someone buys something you made.  I sew because the thank you emails and photos really do make my day.  I sew because creating something is just so much fun.  I sew because it's a good way to keep learning something new.  I sew for more reasons than money. 

As for hiring some poorly paid sweat shop workers, often children, almost always female, to whip some stuff up to make line my pockets, well the thought appalls me.  I'm no saint, but seriously, are people really just focused that much on the dollar sign?

So, next time you are torn between buying something handmade by a local crafter and buying something mass made, just ponder who made the garment you are looking at and why.

1 comment:

  1. Its an odd feeling and not one I have encountered until last week at our weekly kids music group, my daughter was wearing a pinny I had made and love and was very proud of - have had tons of nice comments - any way the comment was "Oh that looks homemade that dress"...without thinking I blerted out "Yes it is Homemade" - infact I made it while giving her the stink eye, her reaction was hmmmmmmm. When I was a kid and a family member produced something homemade it was not something to get excited about and generally rendered you the smelly kid. I have to say a wee wave of panic did wash over me "am I turning my daughter into the smelly kid" ...?


Flo would love your feedback on the blog or the clothes