Monday, October 3, 2011

It's in the bag

I recently had a rather big brainstorm, with flashes of light and more than a considerable number of sparks flying, and decided out of the blue to start making and selling bags.  Handbags, tote bags, wee funky bags for kids, purses, make-up bags, you name it, I feel the urge to make it.  I can hardly wait to get to my machine each day now and try a new pattern and see what lairy and crazy or cool and gorgeous bag I can whip up.  Of course, this has opened up a whole new avenue of potential spending - a disaster for a compulsive purchaser of anything crafty, such as myself.  (I am thinking maybe you are the same, eh?)

So now, to add to the stashes of fabric, I have buckles, and gigantic buttons, and handles, and magnetic snaps, and webbing, and lordie knows what other new goodies!  Please don't tell Mr Flo - he'll cry.

Add to that the excitement of finding so many online free bag patterns to print off and try out, and wowser, there really is no end to the fun to be had.

That said, I must be off now and faff with the strap for a wee monster handbag - it may be for a child but it still has to have *just* the right handle!

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