Sunday, October 2, 2011

Small Businesses Need Help - Crafty Or Otherwise

I've become more and more aware that small businesses, especially crafters and artisans, are finding the recession every bit as challenging as the bog kahoonas, and that the recent changes to FaceBook have for some made matters even more, shall we say, interesting.

I've been reading up and trying to make sense of what's going on, what changes to social media mean for small business, and how people can best try to stay afloat and - dare I say it - even do blummin well despite the roadblocks.  There's lots of dross out there, lots of "well yeah derrrr" stuff that even my old granny could have figured out, but also some top notch crackingly good advice and help.

So I though, rather than read it and digest it and use it and keep it to myself, I'd do the right thing and share it with anyone else wanting to know what's what.  As a result, I started a wee FaceBook page called Flo's Small Business Low Down where I (and hope others will share too) can share what we find.

Together we can make it work.

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